Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

berkah dari memelihara hewan

di pandangan islam memelihara hewan itu boleh, namun ada syarat nya apabila anda ingin berkah.
check this out!!!

menurut hadist
“Barang siapa memelihara anjing selain anjing berburu atau penjaga hewan ternak, maka pahalanya akan berkurang setiap hari sebesar dua qirath (1 qirath sebesar gunung uhud).”
(HR. Bukhari no.2322 dan Muslim no.1571-1575).

mata kucing

siapa sih yang gak kenal sama kucing binatang yang lucu itu tuh. kalo aku sendiri nih ya sobat, aku suka sama matanya. pada tau gak sih kenapa kucing kalo malem- malem matanya pasti berwana. sobat kali  ini aku mau ngasih tau kalo sebenernya mata kucing saat malem itu memantul kan cahaya atau dalam bahasa inggris nya sih bisa di bilang "glow in the dark". sobat kucing adalah hewan nockturnal (aktif saat malam hari). jadi jangan kaget ya kalo malem- malem suka ada suara 'meow' di loteng.

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

when i was your man lyrich

musti dengerin lagu ini............
Bruno Mars

Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you all that it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
And it all just sound like uh, uh, uh

Hmmm too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance

kuin market

Kuin Market
      When a city with many rivers, tourist like to visit floating markets. Pasar Terapang Kuin is one of Banjarmasin’s floating markets in South Kalimantan. It is located on Barito River at the mouth of Kuin River.
      In the past, this market was very famous. It was full of vendors and shoppers who jostled for position every day in their long flat boast, called jukung. Today, it is not as crownded as it was in the past because there is a traditional market on land near Pasar Kuin. This market also sells fruit and vegetables, spices, and even medicines. It is now the place that local foreign tourists like to visit.


Nowadays almost everyone likes sports. Many people participate in some kind of sports such as football, swimming or running. A lot more people are interested in sports as specttators. They enjoy watching a football game, a swimming contest or an athletics contest.
      Among the biggest sports event in the world are Olimpyc Games. They began in Greece long ago. They were held every four years at Olimpia. Only men participated in the games. Women could not even watch them in stadium.
      At firs Olimpic Game there was only one event, a running race. Later games had more event : long jump, javelin, boxing and chariot (= kereta perang) racing. The only prize the winner received

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

A Newspaper

A Newspaper
A newspaper is paper printed and sold to the public usually daily or weekly,etc. It is usually printed on cheap paper known as newsprint.
A large daily newspaper contains a variety of information. It tells foreign, national, and local affairs. Articles and columnists person who write regular articles for a newspaper report develop-ment in sports, society, finance, science,religion, education, and agriculture. Cooments of the newspaper are in the editorial or leader
The editor is a person who responsible for the publishing of the newspaper.
He decides what should be printed, corrects mistakes, and decides how the material should be arranged.

contoh pidato

Nama  :Gebi Yanitama
Kelas   :IX- F
Tugas  :Bahasa Indonesia
            :Membuat pidato
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Yth. Ibu kepala sekolah berserta Bapak dan Ibu Guru
Yth. Staf TU berserta jajaranya
Yth. Bapak Ibu orangtua murid juga tamu undangan beserta teman-teman yang saya cintai.

Para hadirin yang saya hormati,izinkan saya untuk mewakili teman-teman saya berpidato dalam rangka perpisahan

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita semua untuk dapat berkumpul dalam keadaan sehat.

Bapak dan Ibu Guru yang saya hormati terima kasih karena keikhlasan,kesabaran, kebaikan Bapak dan Ibu Guru membimbing, mengajar, mendidik kami penuh kasih sayang dan tidak kenal lelah.berkat semua keuletan, ketabahan, ketekunan, dan semangat juang Bapak dan Ibu Guru.kita menjadi lebih disiplin dan berprestasi.